
X-Seminar Series Session 3 - Bionic inspiration and interface material design: examples and reflections

Publisher:系统管理员Release time:2023-07-06Number of views:330

In the afternoon of July 6th, the 3rd “X-Seminar Series of Academic activities” took place at Room 501 of the Information Building in Tsinghua SIGS Double Helix Center. The seminar featured a keynote lecture titled “Bionic Inspiration and Interface Material Design: Examples and Reflections” delivered by Mr. Wang Jing, an associate professor from the School of Mechanical and Power Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The event saw the participation of over 30 individuals both online and offline. The seminar was hosted by SIGS Assistant Professor Kaichen Dong.

In his report, Professor Wang began by discussing the thermodynamic mechanism and provided a detailed explanation of how his research results addressed practical challenges such as viscoelastic solid adhesion, the durability of super-slippery interfaces, and the fabrication of bionic nanosurface structures. These were significant engineering problems that served as the foundation for his research.

Building upon these engineering challenges, Professor Wang identified common scientific problems and explored innovative solutions in the design of interface materials specifically on the principle of bionics. He detailed three different biological surfaces: Nepenthium (a type of carnivorous plant), pilot whales, and dragonflies. These biological surfaces provided valuable insights for the design innovation of interface materials.

To validate the effectiveness of the newly designed materials, Professor Wang presented the research results from his research group and shared field observations. These findings confirmed the successful application of the bionic principle in the design of interface materials.

During the seminar, the participants actively engaged in discussions with Professor Wang, sharing their own research content and perspectives on technology application and achievement transformation. These discussions were conducted in-depth, allowing for valuable insights and knowledge exchange. The participants expressed that they gained significant benefits from the interactions and discussions with Professor Wang, further enhancing their understanding and knowledge in the field.

Wang Jing, an associate professor from the School of Mechanical Engineering at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, his research is mainly in the field of the mechanical design of high-performance interface materials and biomimetic manufacturing. He pioneered the development of one-dimensional liquid superlubricity, which completely prevents the adhesion of solid pollutants. His research findings have been published in journals such as Science, Nature Sustainability, Nature Communications (2), and Science Advance (4).

Wang Jing successfully translated his research on the superlubricity one-dimensional liquid coating into practical applications. The coating products have been sold to 28 countries and regions worldwide, providing significant support in water resource conservation and carbon emission reduction.

He has also led national-level youth talent programs and the “Deep Blue Plan” project at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Wang Jing’s research and contributions in his field have received widespread recognition and praise.